Motor Stall Detection
This feature allows for Motor Stall recognition without using an external sensor, such as an incremental encoder or absolute encoder. To enable ‘Motor Stall’ feature, set bit#13 of Drive_Working_Settings_Extended object.
The Closed Loop feature (bit#4 of Drive_Working_Settings object) and ‘Motor Stall detection’ feature (bit#13 of Drive_Working_Settings_Extended object) cannot be active at the same time. Enabling the Closed Loop feature when ‘Motor Stall detection’ feature is already enabled or vice versa will issue a Fault condition (bit#14 of Feedback_Status object will set to 1).
The Motor Stall detection compares the theoretical angle and estimated angle of motor rotor position:
If abs(Motor_Stall_Actual_Err_Angle) > Motor_Stall_Max_Err_Angle then ‘Motor Stall detected’ !!
When the motor stall is detected:
the motor is stopped immediately.
Min_Current object value is applied to the motor.
Bit#10 (Motor_Stall_detected) of Feedback_Status object is set to 1.
A Emergency Telegram will be sent and the drive will enter Fault State.
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- The ‘Motor Stall detection’ feature is available only with firmware version V02r74 or superior.